
Sunday 19 January 2014

Alexa Chung IT: Review

Sorry I've been away for awhile, blame school, just blame them. I have had so much work and interviews and just I wish I was in year 1, getting excited for absolutely nothing and loving it.

How have you been? Anything you would like me to share or review?

Did I mention I'm going to Swim Deep omg I'm so excited and yeh do you like them? Comment your favourite song!
I will be abit sad when I see them because they have better hair and fashion then me and it really sucks.

Anyway the title is "Alexa Chung IT review" so yeh time for a review.

I got the book at Christmas (like the majority of teenage girls) and if I'm being honest, it's not what I thought. I did have in my head the idea that all she would do is brag about things like how she's been out with Alex Turner and I haven't 😣, but it's the complete opposite! She features ways to change your fashion for little monkey aka visit your local oxfam and how to battle heartbreak and still come out looking like you've just stepped off the Paris Fashion runway.
The book also features her music taste and lots and lots of drawings and pictures.

Here is my favourite page because erm yes George Harrison - 1 name that makes me smile no matter what mood I'm in. 
This book makes me so jealous of Alexa and her fashion and her friends and just her life, she is just amazing.
I would rate the book 8/10, the only reason 8 is because I wish their was more text because the book is definelty a page turner! (Haha like Alex Turner yeh pls don't laugh and fall of your dinosaur )

My next book is The Hobbit and this book has pictures in too! (Wow I sounded like a 5 year old then but I dunno I think they make books more believable even if you can't fight dragons with dwarfes nowadays) 

Don't forget to comment and share 

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